Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Met an Old Friend

Yesterday, on the 28th Dec, I went to school for our Orientation Day. I was hanging around the canteen and suddenly, a sharp voice from the crowd pierced through the noise and reached my ears. "Desiree!!" I turned around and saw a familiar person wearing an excited look on her face. It's my ex-classmate from secondary school to Pre-U! At that instant, I couldn't recall her name and had to ask her for it. Ai Bing! Oh yes! How could I forget? ( Well, she was able to call me by my name because she saw my name tag...)

After the adrenalin has gone down a little, I looked at her with a suspicious look,"Why are you here? Don't tell me you're here with your child?!" I mean, I don't have any kids yet, but if she has kids in primary school, she must have married real young!

"No lah! I may have a motherly figure, (she's a bit on the plump side) , but no kids yet. See that big-sized man behind us? That's my Lao Gong. My family runs the school bus service!" Wow. Shocker number 2. Never knew the family runs a bus service.

I searched my memory frantically and managed to retrieve some data. "I thought your family runs a minimart in Ang Mo Kio?" "Oh, we have rented it out to 'Cheers'. By then she had already known that I was a teacher there. I had a name tag on, remember? Ohhhhhh...

So we simply stood there and briefly updated each other from A-levels till 2004. It was a nice chat. Truly, I enjoyed it tremendously. There wasn't any shy-shy business, and we just talked like we have never lost contact. Ended the conversation with an exchange of numbers.

Seeing old friends is good, good.......

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