Friday, June 29, 2007

Do we look alike?

Estelle at birth...
Eston at birth...

Estelle at a week old...

Eston at 2 weeks old...

Estelle drowsy...
Eston sleeping...
Estelle smiling...

Eston also happy...

Estelle at 26 days old...

Eston at 31 days old...

Eston and Estelle

(Sing to the tune of "This Old Man")

I love you
You love me
We're both darlings of daddy mummy
With a wide big grin
I give my love to you
Won't you say you love me too

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Sibling Love

Hey, guchee guchee....

Cheh Cheh sayang you ...


I love my Cheh Cheh!

Wailing Spells

Papa's Birthday

23rd June 2007.

We contemplated going for a picnic, and spend an afternoon on a mat near the waters. Estelle could play on the sand, with Papa chasing after her, while Mummy could listen to some music and snap pictures, and Eston would be providng some company to Mummy as he lays by her side.


Alas. We considered many factors, like the unreasonable hot weather recently, the return of dengue scare, and Eston may not be ready for such an outing, and Estelle may not have overcome her fear of sand (yes, she is afraid of the sand), and frankly, it is indeed a CHALLENGING outing for Papa and Mummy, considering all the major logistics.

In the end, we decided that it would be safer to stay indoors.

Though we had a typical weekend outing trip to Ikea Tampines, we kindda spiced it up with a throw-in detour to the airport. Estelle could see the planes and Mummy could feed Eston comfortably. It wasn't about what you do, it's about the whole family spending some quality time together.

We had a great time. Simplicity can be blissful.

Happy Birthday, Dear. Love you always.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Our Shopping!

Today is 17 June 2007, Fathers' Day.

We had a celebration lunch with my dad and mum, sister and her 2 boys, of course with my hubby and kids as well. Went to Genki Sushi at Marina Square. After the makan, we shopped around for a cardigan and a pair of dress shoes for Estelle. Ended up at Kiddy Palace and Estelle had a whale of a time playing there!

My darling.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Xin Xin and Gong Gong

Today, Gong Gong was very happy to have these 2 shots with his bao bei ... Check'em out.

Eston at a Month old...

Hands up for those of you who think that Eston (still) looks like me after a month.....

One thing remains, he still throws you the DUH look...

Monday, June 11, 2007

Eston turns a Month old

My boy has turned a month old! We celebrated his 1 month birthday with a small party involving only immediate families, and thanked our friends and relatives with cakes and fruit tarts. Eston has opened his eyes a bit more since birth. He looks pretty different now!

This is a shot of Eston "praying" to the deity with his paternal Grandma. He was actually sleeping!

All the children together! WOW! What a brood!

Eston is comfortably tucked in the arms of my Grandma, who is his Great Grandma. She is in her 80s but still going strong and looking absolutely good.

Close-up on Eston.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Grandparents and Kiddos

Gong Gong, Ma Ma, Big Baby and Small Baby. HAPPY!

Drinking Milo

Sayang Di Di

Estelle and Nathaniel

Nat Nat is my nephew. He is a bit shy, but definitely a gentleman.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Estelle and Grandpa

This was taken (a week before Eston was born) at a restaurant. The whole family was there for lunch to celebrate my mum's birthday. Look at Estelle's cheeky expression -- holding onto a toy car somemore! My dad looks very natural and relaxed. I love this picture. (Matthew is in the background)

Papa and the Kiddos

This picture is taken today on 2 June 2007. Estelle has recovered from her illness and is happy again. What a lovely sight! Mummy can't help but snap a photograph!

Eston with Grandma and Grandpa

These are my parents.

Eversince Estelle came, my parents have been coming over on weekdays to help me look after her while I work. They would arrive at my place early in the morning, even before the first ray of the morning sun hits the earth, and they would stay all the way till after dinner, wash up the dinner plates, dispose the rubbish before calling it a day. For this month, they come even on weekends as my mum insists that I eat properly.
I cannot be more grateful for such wonderful parents. I don't know if I can do the same when my kids grow up, but I vow to try my very best to be the most perfect parent to my kids.
Thanks, Mummy and Pa. You are the greatest!