Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Meet the Monster

After enduring the pain on the right side in my mouth for some time, living on panadol to relieve the pain, I‘ve decided to eradicate the problem once and for all.

So today, I got my wisdom tooth extracted. It is beyond repair because it has decayed so badly and what is left is probably 2/3 only.


I've always been very brave anyway.

So here's the monster. Brace yourself!


Kancheong Spider said...

Eww... that is a monster. So did you leave it under your pillow and have the Tooth Fairy give you some $$$ for the pain u go thru'? ;)

Desiree Tan said...

No la. It's in a small ziplock bag. I show it to everyone! I look at it from time to time and get a sense of satisfaction. Satisfaction that it is out of my mouth! :-)