It was mainly the bags that could move. I sold the bigger ones at $6, medium and small ones at $4. In the end I had to give discount, coz the crowd was a die-hard-cheapo one and they were out for real steals. For me, it was more to get rid of stuff and to gain the experience. I was a little disappointed that my earrings did not really sell, especially those that are handmade by me. I guess the crowd was wrong and I'm quite certain that the flea markets in town would be a better platform for the sale of my earrings. I'm not really bothered by the amount I make but it's more the satisfaction that people appreciate my designs that matters.
Anyway, I DID sell a pair of handmade Swarovski Crystal earrings to the MP Seng Han Tong who came and did his rounds. I wanted to give it to him free-of-charge but he insisted on paying. So I asked for $2 and he thought that it was too cheap. He paid me $5 which I accepted happily.

Total takings for that day - $62. Not bad for a start! I got rid of 2 big boxes of bags. More space in my cupboard for NEW LVs. Ha Ha!
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