Friday, May 20, 2005


20th May 2005 marks 6 full complete years of my teaching career.
Let me catch my breath.
P H E W !

I stepped into NIE in mid 1995. This year is 2005. I cannot believe that 10 years of my life had passed! And prime years to mention the least. Oh my God.

I had never looked back all these years. To think that a decision that I had made after 'A' levels had shaped my life so much. At NIE, I studied hard, played hard, met my husband, fell in love, and signed on the dotted line (to teaching!) Then I graduated, taught, got married, set up my own home, taught some more, got promoted, and transferred myself to a new school.

Wow. All these happened because I made a decision to become a teacher at the age of 18.

Suddenly, after 6 years, I am beginning to feel that I've had quite enough of teaching. Is 6 years a good time to blow the whistle?

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