You hear only 2 things.
M U M M Y ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Had to send both my kiddos and my maid to my MIL'S last week coz I had to report for work from 8 to 5 and my hubby was in China. Last Monday, after only 1 day there, Boy fell sick that very night with running nose. Girl laosai early in the morning of Tue. I decided to take time off on Tue (must take time-off during school hols!) afternoon to fetch my kids back that afternoon. Anyway kids wanted to go home badly.
Gave Boy medicine and he got better. Wed I took leave to keep them home to rest properly. They were fine and well enough to go to the airport that evening to pick up their Papa. Kids were so happy. So was I.
Went back to work on Thu. Hubby and the kids all went to his mum's place again (he wanted). This time I think the virus got passed to Girl and by Friday her nose was dripping like a tap. This time I insisted that they all stay at home (I had to go to school - BOBIAN!) on Friday. I also made it a point to come home quickly. Had to get medicine for Girl and thankfully she recovered rather quickly. But she was really sticky to me for the whole of Friday and every little thing was "MUMMY!". She wouldn't even let me leave her side for a second.
On Saturday everyone was fine. We could even attend a wedding dinner on Sat evening. Just when you think that all is well, Sunday came and Boy developed fever. Gave him Paracetemol and then his fever went roller coaster. By Monday, his fever hit 39 degrees and I decided that we had better consult a doctor and see if he needs antibiotics. Luckily, Doctor assured us that he was fine and his fever was probably caused by a virus in his respiratory system (from his running nose earlier). Hence, no antibiotics was necessary.
Today he finally got better.
Throughout these 1 and a half weeks, I was busy and tired out looking after and caring for them. My maid was a big help with the taking care. For me, I was mentally very exhausted having to juggle all the deadlines at work and having to be torn between the 2 crying toddlers all the time.
Being a mum is not easy.
But then again, it is all worth it.