Sunday, October 26, 2008
Bangkok Getaway 17-19 Oct 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Farmer Soo
On weekends, he finds joy overturning soils and transplanting little buds from the pots to the mini "'plantation" which he has partitioned from our grass patch. We also have 2 tomato plants growing outisde our master bedroom. My helper had thrown the seeds there and they have miraculously grown big and borne fruits! We had eaten some of the tomatoes. How interesting.
Right now, we have chili plants, Chye Sim, tomato plants, Ginger and Spring Onion sprouting from the mini plantation. I am waiting for the "harvest" so that I can get to eat them.
If he is not doing planting, he will be at the fish pond cleaning it or disturbing the fish. Look how father and son are bonding over, er, fish.
As for me, I don't like messing with ants and worms, let alone fish (I'm scared of fish).
I prefer to bake! While Papa and ah Boy were outside doing the boys' stuff, Mummy was baking a chocolate cake. Look! Yummy yummy!
That's what I call a perfect weekend.
I put down ALL MY WORK and spend my time doing these things I like. Living in this new place has really enhanced our lives. I love my family life!
Farm Hopping - 11 Oct 2008
Hay Dairies Goat Farm
Aeroponics Veg Farm
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Sunday Morning Breakfast
Thinking of Number 3
I know.
I had announced to the whole world that 2 is enough. When I suffered during the night feedings for Eston, I told my husband, we don't need 1 more round of this. At that time, he agreed totally with me.
Parenthood is very strange indeed.
When I look at my 2 cutie pies, I forget all my pain and yearn for more.
I have a feeling the next one will be a girl.
Discussed with hubby and he also felt like having more.
I've even thought of names already. Girl will be Estee, 尹亭。Boy will be Estroy, 尹锐。
So our plan is to wait till Eston turns 2 before we start planning. Ideally, when Number 3 is born, Eston should be 3 years old, toilet trained and independant.
The minute I am pregnant with Number 3, I'm handing in my stepping down request.
A Milestone for Xin Xin
We started by taking off her diapers and putting her on the potty every half an hour. In the day it is fine, coz there are so many adults around to monitor her (of course I'm at work so it's really easy for me to say this. Credit goes to my mum and dad and of course my helper). It was the night time that is a nightmare. We tried to wake her every 2 hours to go tot he toilet but it was difficult for her (coz her eyes are still closed and then have to shee-shee) and it was also difficult for us. Eventually we still missed sometimes and then the bed would be in a mess. And getting up to go to work in the morning also became very tough.
Some experienced friends told us that such things cannot be rushed and so we decided to go easy on her (and ourselves). We continued with the day routine but night time - back to her huggies. Which still works pretty well.
I'm proud to announce that now my girl is off diapers in the day and she is able to articulate her toilet needs. She doesn't even use the potty now. She does it in the toilet. :-)
For my boy, he can tell us "poot-poot" when the need arises.
Well done, Xin Xin!
Sat Morning Walk
Instead of going to his rescue, Mummy takes photo ... ...
Taking a rest and dipping our feet in the jacuzzi ... ...
After that Estelle ordered us to take the other 2 seats ... ...
I'm charging to the slide !