Monday, September 11, 2006

Estelle with her wide grin

This was taken on the ferry back to Singapore from Batam. We had gone there to visit baby Zheng Yong. She gave me a spontaneous wide grin and I snapped the photo in time! (For those who don't know, Estelle grins like that all the time!) Check out her two little teeth.......

Shuyuan with Estelle

Had gone out for my annual meal gathering with my 5A5/2001 pupils (supposedly for Teachers' Day) last Thursday, 12 Sep 06. After that they came to my place to see my girl. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a group photo with them. Only Shuyuan had her photo taken with Estelle coz she was the only one who was confident enough to carry her. Both of them look great!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

My Class 2006

This is my current class of Pr 2.4 taken during Racial Harmony Day this year. They may be young, but they are far from being innocent...... A mischievous lot. Clever too. Most of the time they irritate me but they also make me laugh.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Teachers' Day

[Taken at BK Compasspoint with my class of 6A1/6MA1 2004]

Time flies. A quick count startled me. This is my 8th Teachers' Day! 1999 - 2004 were spent in Xinghua, and 2005 - 2006 were spent in Fernvale. I do miss my ex students (although when I was teaching them they drove me up the wall) but it gives me great satisfaction and joy when I see them growing up to be good and happy, and some of them are also doing well if not better than when they were in primary school.

This may sound cheesy, but I guess teaching is really a sacred job, because teachers get to participate in a child's growth, and leave an impact on his/her life, great or small.

Happy Teachers' Day.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

New "Hobby"

Estelle's favourite new hobby ---- Play with her feet!

Trip To Bintan - Estelle in her Swimsuit

This is taken at the pool of Nirwana Resort. We went there last weekend. Estelle experienced her first dip at the pool, in her very own swimsuit. Isn't she just adorable!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A Mother's Wish......on Mother's Day

This is the first time I get to celebrate Mother's Day for myself. So, I must blog one entry to mark the significance of this day, or rather, Motherhood.

Being a mother is indeed not easy, but somehow, when you become one, you just rise to the occasion without realising it. It's amazing, but I guess women are created with the capacity to deal with the challenges.

Gone are the days when I can just laze in bed all day, with a mag in hand, a TV remote in the other, totally indulging in laziness and justifying it as my well-deserved rest from a hectic week at work. Gone are also the days when a phone call could send me jolting out of my bed, and after a frenzy of putting on make-up and hopping into my jeans, I would zoom out to meet my friends for coffee. Gone are also the days when I just drop everything and pamper myself with a spa treat topped with a rejuvenating facial.

Actually, being a mother doesn't mean you stop doing all these. It just means you put yout child as the centre of your activities, and all the other things you used to do, you plan them around your child's schedule. The difference is that the child has become the big rock, all others being the sand.

However, the "sand" has increased in big quantities, as in the following:

1. Washing of baby's clothes, towels, blankets, bedsheet, etc twice a week
2. Expressing milk every 6 hourly (procedure takes 45min)
3. Washing and sterilizing milk bottles
4. Preparing the bath water, bathing baby, clearing of bath equipment, dressing and massaging baby
5. Clearing and disposal of dirty diapers
6. Feeding, burping
7. Changing diaper
8. Coaxing baby to sleep
9. Cleaning baby at night
10. Ensuring availability of hot water
11. Monitoring usage and supply of baby's necessities
12. Packing stuff during outing

on top of:
1. Washing laundry
2. Folding clothes and putting them in place
3. Cleaning and mopping the floor
4. Washing toilets
5. Tidying up the place
6. Tidying up kitchen (sink, drainer, cabinets, fridge)
7. Washing sofa covers, bedsheets
8. Vacuuming the carpet
9. Tidying up study table
10. Shutting windows at night
11. Tidying up walk-in-wardrobe
12. Throwing the rubbish (Must walk out to corridor)
13. Clearing mails, sorting and filing
14. Boil water for drinking
15. Paying bills
16. Clearing up mess made by husband (put away his shoes, his clothes, skin of oranges he ate, tissue paper he used, his watch, his ring, his wallet, his socks, remote control, his bag, his EVERYTHING)
17. Taking care of husband (serve him drink, switch off tv for him, blah blah blah)

on somemore top of:
The one million, six hundred and fifty-seven thousand, nine hundred and severty-five things at work

and on even-somemore top of:
Taking care of myself in the following ways:
1. Eat nourishing food
2. Watch my carbo, fat and sugar intake
3. Lose weight
4. Face (no time for facial)
5. Nails, ingrown (Did 2 pedicure so far)
6. Hair
7. Eyes (plus contact lens)
8. Drink water
9. A lot more

Thank goodness I don't have to cook. I have a great Mum!

All I wish for this Mothers' Day, is a husband who can help me out at home on his own, without me having to nag, so that I can breathe.

Oh yes, and world peace.

Thank you.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Great-Grandma with the Kiddos

Today we went to have dim sum to celebrate my mum's birthday. After the great lunch, we dropped by Grandma's place to see her. She was very happy to see us and the little ones. This photo captured her looking so radiant and healthy (she's 81 years old, mind you!), totally happy with the great grandchildren crowding around her. This is such a blissful sight!

My Sassy Girl

I am 3 months old! Yeah!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Estelle is 2 and a half months old!

My baby has turned 2 and a half months old. She's now able to hold her head up, and now she favours propping up instead of cradle. She is cooing a lot, making lots of funny sounds. Last night, she surprised me with 2 distinct chuckles! She's been trying to turn over onto her tummy. She's pretty well-behaved, only cries for feed. Sometimes, when she's bored, she will also cry for attention. Other than these, she doesn't make a lot of noise. Nowadays, she's able to sleep through the night. With the last feed at 11pm, she's able to last till 7am. Compared to her first months of 2 feedings in the night, this is really remarkable. I get to sleep!

The most lovable thing about her is, she smiles and laughs a lot a lot! When people talk to her, she responds with coos, and then if she likes you, she will smile widely. Of course, her favourite person is me, as she'll always smile at me when she sees me. She's shown signs of recognising people. She recognises her daddy, and the grandparents. Because she smiles so much, it's very hard not to like her. :)

Bathing is Estelle's favourite activity. She loves to be cleaned and pampered. After bathing, I'll usually massage baby lotion into her delicate skin. She super loves that! At night, before I put her to bed, I'll give her a good wipe and change her into fresh pyjamas, and that 15 minutes of work not only makes her feel good, it bonds us as well. Of course, she'll get another round of massage, and then after feeding, she'll knock out till next morning.

I just love my baby soooooooooo much. Muak!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Estelle's Daddy

I'd like to dedicate this space for a very important person. From the very day the second line showed on the pregnancy kit, he was there with me, participating in my pregnancy in every way he could.

In the early part of my pregnancy, I had a very bad headache once, and he took care of me, putting hot and cold towel on my head to make me feel better. The diarrhoea episode was even more trying. I had the runs the entire night till dawn, and the minute the first ray of sunlight hit the earth, he called up Dr Lee and went running to the pharmacy to get me medication. For the one or two times I had extra craving for Tiramisu, he drove out late at night to get it for me.

Every check-up at the clinic was a celebration, because he never failed to be with me to witness the baby's heartbeat, hands, legs, fingers, toes, brain, abdomen, spine, everything. Over the ten months, we watched Estelle grow from a tiny egg to a beautiful child. The togetherness as a family is heart-warming.

Every lesson at the antenatal class was a date I looked forward to. He learnt everything with me, from feeding to changing diaper to bathing and even the birth process. I asked him if he'd bathe the baby himself, he replied without batting an eyelid, "Of course. It's MY BABY too." I was touched, because he really wanted to be a good father.

Shopping is something I have always done alone, because he's never enthusiastic about shopping. However, shopping for baby's stuff became an activity that filled our weekends. He'd flip through the papers to source for warehouse sales or advertisements on baby products, and off we'd go, carting loads of things back home.

During my 12 hours of labour, he was with me sharing my pain. When I could take the pain no more, he was supportive of my decision to take epidural. I knew deep down, he couldn't bear to see me in such agony. When Dr Lee told me we had to do a C-section, I cried and cried. He looked into my eyes and assured me that it's going to be okay. Somehow, it gave me a lot of strength and I just became braver instantly.

After the operation, as I was wheeled out of the operating theatre, I met him and quickly asked, "Did you see her?" Like an excited child, he exclaimed with tears of joy glistening in his eyes, "She's so cute!" He was more moved than what I expected him to be.

The first words that he said to me when I was back in the ward were, "I love you." It came straight from his heart, I could feel it.

I knew there and then, I have found the right man for myself, and the perfect father for Estelle.

Estelle @ Day 23

Estelle @ Day 22 (2)

Estelle @ Day 22 (1)

Estelle @ Day 21 (3)

Estelle @ Day 21 (2)

Estelle @ Day 21 (1) - My Signature Yawn

Estelle @ Day 18 - I need some peace!

Estelle @ Day 12 - My favourite Du Du

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Estelle's feet

Estelle @ Day 8

Estelle @ Day 7 - 1 week old

Estelle's Birth Story

I know everyone has been anticipating my arrival, and finally, after 12 hours of labour at Raffles Hospital, my brave mama has finally delivered me on 25th Jan 2006. That's my birthday.

My papa admitted my mama at 5am that morning. After confirming that mama was having contractions, and with advice from Dr Vincent Lee, my mama's gynae, mama's left hand was poked and she was put on a drip. The contractions became from bad to worse but brave mama endured the pain. The contractions also made me pretty stressed up and uncomfortable.

After 5 hours of sheer torture, and having tried even the laughing gas, my mama discussed with papa and finally they decided to take the epidural. Mama wanted to conserve the last bit of energy for the final push as she was really exhausted fighting the pain. Furthermore, she had cleared her bowels and not eaten a single crumb of bread. Poor mama was really hungry and she had very little energy left.

After taking epidural, mama became more relaxed and even napped for a while. The contractions didn't end there and I also kindda became groggy after a while.

Finally, the moment that we had been waiting had come. At 4pm, Dr Lee appeared and checked mama's cervix. Bad news. Mama had not dilated more than 3cm after the whole day! He told mama, "Desiree, I'm afraid you have to do a caeser." It dropped like a bomb and mama started to cry. Dr explained that my heartbeat went down a bit and so it didn't look good. Mama became even more scared and worried.

Papa assured Mama that everything's gonna be ok. Wih Papa's encouragement, Mama wiped her tears and decided to brave through it. Within a few minutes, Mama was wheeled out of the delivery suite, into the lift, out of the lift, and through doors and doors before she came to the OPERATING THEATRE.

The doctors did their stuff, and whoala! My cries pierced through the atmosphere. I was born!

I was carried to mama's face and I winked at her. Mama cried and cried and she kissed me on my right cheek. Feeling her warm lips on my face, I know I'll enjoy a lifetime of love from her and Papa.

My name is Soo Yin Xin Estelle. I will grow up and make my parents proud :)

Monday, January 23, 2006

Am I In Labour?

Baby is supposed to be due this Thursday. Until yesterday, Monday, there wasn't any action.

Last night, gynae checked me and said that I'll either be on time, that means this Thursday, or a bit late. So I'll have another appt with him on Thursday noon, and if nothing happens, I'm supposed to admit myself that very night. He'd probably induce the delivery on Friday.

Sounds like my own birth xx years ago. I was a 10 day late baby and had to be induced. My original birthdate was 20 Dec but I only saw the world on 30 Dec.

Somehow, I started to feel a bit scared.

Then, last night, actually it was this morning, at 1am, I started feeling cramps. For the first time in many months, felt cramps ok! And also for the first time, I was so happy getting cramps. People who have had the experience all tell me the first tell tale sign is cramps. I monitored the regularity and was convinced that it must be early labour signs. The cramps were very mild, and I even managed to sleep through the night. This morning, after waking up, told my hubby about my experience and he became pretty excited. Asked him to go for work as usual as the cramps were still very mild and tolerable. He did.

It is now 1.30pm and the cramps are still mild. I really wish that the real thing would come quickly. I'm all ready!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Tai Tai Days

I'm officially on maternity leave as of Monday.

Taking prenatal leave coz I don't want to forfeit my 1 week March holidays.
Anyway, since my due date is next week, I might as well rest at home. If not, I'll still be cheonging around in school doing this and that, and getting myself all stressed up and tired. Once I work, I can't slow down. Major problem I have, I know. Just can't slow down.

Still working from home, on my email a lot, on my computer a lot, but at least I don't have to get up early, don't have to travel to work and home, and don't have to stress over marking and stuff like that.

Starting to enjoy my tai tai days. To me, this is really a luxury. I didn't even get a decent rest during the last December holidays.

Feel a little apologetic towards my colleagues, especially the other HODs who have to cover my duties while I'm away on national service. More so when I've just been formally appointed as HOD wef this year, and then have to be away. Nevermind, I will "pay back" when the other HOD goes on her DDM course in July. :)

Right now, I should just relax and wait for Estelle to come into my life.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Estelle Soo Yin Xin

I've not blogged in a million years. I know, I know.

Please allow me to introduce my girl, Estelle. No, no, I've not met her yet, but it's really a matter of 2 more weeks, max, before she comes to our beautiful home. I'm so excited.

I can't wait for Estelle to come, because I really long to hold her in my arms, plant the first kiss on her small cheeks, nose, hands, feet, tummy.... Her daddy is just as excited. I think he also can't wait to talk to her face to face, instead of talking to my tummy every night. :)

Estelle has been kicking me lots. She kicks especially hard when I'm hungry. The other day, I was waiting in the car while her daddy went to get dinner. She was literally rolling inside me. I started singing her songs, and strangely enough, she stopped kicking, as if to listen to me! In between, I stopped singing for a couple of minutes to reply to sms, and she started kicking again. When I resumed singing, she quietened down again. How interesting!

"Edelweiss, Edelweiss, every morning you greet me.
Small and white, clean and bright, you look happy to meet me.
Blossoms of snow may you bloom and grow,
bloom and grow forever.
Edelweiss, Edelweiss,
bless my Estelle forever"

Daddy and Mummy love you, Estelle.