This is the first time I get to celebrate Mother's Day for myself. So, I must blog one entry to mark the significance of this day, or rather, Motherhood.
Being a mother is indeed not easy, but somehow, when you become one, you just rise to the occasion without realising it. It's amazing, but I guess women are created with the capacity to deal with the challenges.
Gone are the days when I can just laze in bed all day, with a mag in hand, a TV remote in the other, totally indulging in laziness and justifying it as my well-deserved rest from a hectic week at work. Gone are also the days when a phone call could send me jolting out of my bed, and after a frenzy of putting on make-up and hopping into my jeans, I would zoom out to meet my friends for coffee. Gone are also the days when I just drop everything and pamper myself with a spa treat topped with a rejuvenating facial.
Actually, being a mother doesn't mean you stop doing all these. It just means you put yout child as the centre of your activities, and all the other things you used to do, you plan them around your child's schedule. The difference is that the child has become the big rock, all others being the sand.
However, the "sand" has increased in big quantities, as in the following:
1. Washing of baby's clothes, towels, blankets, bedsheet, etc twice a week
2. Expressing milk every 6 hourly (procedure takes 45min)
3. Washing and sterilizing milk bottles
4. Preparing the bath water, bathing baby, clearing of bath equipment, dressing and massaging baby
5. Clearing and disposal of dirty diapers
6. Feeding, burping
7. Changing diaper
8. Coaxing baby to sleep
9. Cleaning baby at night
10. Ensuring availability of hot water
11. Monitoring usage and supply of baby's necessities
12. Packing stuff during outing
on top of:
1. Washing laundry
2. Folding clothes and putting them in place
3. Cleaning and mopping the floor
4. Washing toilets
5. Tidying up the place
6. Tidying up kitchen (sink, drainer, cabinets, fridge)
7. Washing sofa covers, bedsheets
8. Vacuuming the carpet
9. Tidying up study table
10. Shutting windows at night
11. Tidying up walk-in-wardrobe
12. Throwing the rubbish (Must walk out to corridor)
13. Clearing mails, sorting and filing
14. Boil water for drinking
15. Paying bills
16. Clearing up mess made by husband (put away his shoes, his clothes, skin of oranges he ate, tissue paper he used, his watch, his ring, his wallet, his socks, remote control, his bag, his EVERYTHING)
17. Taking care of husband (serve him drink, switch off tv for him, blah blah blah)
on somemore top of:
The one million, six hundred and fifty-seven thousand, nine hundred and severty-five things at work
and on even-somemore top of:
Taking care of myself in the following ways:
1. Eat nourishing food
2. Watch my carbo, fat and sugar intake
3. Lose weight
4. Face (no time for facial)
5. Nails, ingrown (Did 2 pedicure so far)
6. Hair
7. Eyes (plus contact lens)
8. Drink water
9. A lot more
Thank goodness I don't have to cook. I have a great Mum!
All I wish for this Mothers' Day, is a husband who can help me out at home on his own, without me having to nag, so that I can breathe.
Oh yes, and world peace.
Thank you.